A-Z Challenge: Waka

I love these little Japanese forms; they are just the kind of thing you want to write after a long, tedious day at work. A waka has 5 lines, grouped slightly more precisely than a tanka. Statistics The census form asksage, job, orientation. It does not ask muchimportant information.Did you eat? Are you lonely? ThisContinue reading “A-Z Challenge: Waka”

A-Z Challenge: Ghazal

I’m not sure if Ghazals are easier than I always thought, or if I’m doing it wrong. Anyway, here goes. It’s a bit of a rush job, because I’ve been floored by a migraine all evening, but I think it could be worse! I have heard that healthy love involves no longing,Know then, I loveContinue reading “A-Z Challenge: Ghazal”

Limbo: Locational Loneliness

I had the wrong reactions to Limbo, Ben Sharrock’s beautiful film about refugees who have had insult added to injury by making it across the Mediterranean only to be plonked on a remote Scottish island. One of my colleagues called it “heartbreaking with a bit of humour” while the Guardian review declares it “heart-rending”. IContinue reading “Limbo: Locational Loneliness”

A-Z Challenge: Grief

For your information, this post contains mention of suicide. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please know that help is available. In the UK, you can contact Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123 or by email on jo@samaritans.org. Their website is samaritans.org. You can also find details of your local mental health crisis line orContinue reading “A-Z Challenge: Grief”

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