The Secrets of Faraway Tongues

I’ve been learning Hindi for a long time now, and I’m pretty sure I’ve finally got somewhere. This post is not about learning Hindi though (although I have written about that, and you can read it here if you want). This post is about cognates between Hindi and Scottish Gaelic; whenever I find one ofContinue reading “The Secrets of Faraway Tongues”

SoCS: Page

Do you remember pagers? I’ve never seen one in real life. I think I saw them on the Prince of Bel Air or something like that. The verb page must have lost some ngrams ground when the mobile phone became commonplace. On the other hand, I don’t remember seeing page (through) as meaning ‘flick through’Continue reading “SoCS: Page”

A-Z Challenge: Knowing

Thanks to English spelling, choosing a feeling for this post was hard. That’s what comes of having two letters that make one sound (three, if you count Qatar), and yet blatantly favouring one of them. Curiosity, clumsiness, creativity, clarity, compassion…kindness. But kindness is so bland! I couldn’t think of anything. Here are some things IContinue reading “A-Z Challenge: Knowing”

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